1 – Dry

Augusten Bouroughs: This is one of my all-time favorite books by one of my favorite authors. I’ve read it before and each time I find some new bit of wisdom in it. This is Augusten’s telling of his forced journey to sobriety: rehab, relapse, codependency. I’m now two for two being involved with partners dealing with serious dependency issues and it is no joke. The heartbreak and raw, unflattering memoir made me cry out loud the first time I read it. 


“I can see the person he could be, the person he almost is. And I want that person. I want to love that person. I want that to be the person who tells me I’m hogging all the covers.”

2 – Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

Lori Gottlieb: I’ve had several people recommend this book to me because it is literally the same story of what I have been going through. Literally. It has been eye opening. It tells the story of a therapist who finds herself randomly dumped by her long-time boyfriend, out of the blue, while they’re in the middle of making plans for the future. She lands in therapy and has to work out what exactly was so devastating about the whole situation. I’m halfway through it. So is my therapist. 


GOOD VIEWS: Binge to you heart’s content. 

1 – Schitt’s Creek

Netflix: I put off watching Schitt’s creek for a long time but I needed something light and funny this month. It’s a story of a super rich family who loses everything and starts over in a town called Schitt’s creek. It stars some of my very favorite actors and it’s actually hilarious, heart warming, and great. Surprisingly, it’s not just silly. And the mayor, in his grey zip-up hoodie, with his non-chin and his round gut, is eerily familiar to me…

Also, Moira Rose. So hilarious. My spirit animal.


David Rose : You stood in front of me and told me to trust people!
Patrick Brewer : I know!
David Rose : When not trusting people is what I’m used to. It’s my comfort zone.


Friends: Having friends who remind me of my value. And people who set my head right when I was confused these past few weeks. That’s a good thing.

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Waffles. Writing. Whiskey.